Emily Kaplan – A Must-Read NHL Writer
Trusted Journalists

Emily Kaplan – A Must-Read NHL Writer

As promised, I am following up my inaugural journalist review of ESPN’s Greg Wyshynski with a review of his equally excellent coworker, Emily Kaplan.

Greg and Emily have essentially come to be the faces of ESPN’s written hockey coverage over the last year as the company laid off a multitude of writers back in April of 2017, hiring a significantly smaller crew of journalists as their replacements.

Along with Greg, Emily has done a fantastic job essentially taking over for a cast of well-known and well-respected writers, most notably, Craig Custance, Pierre LeBrun, Scott Burnside and Joe McDonald (I will be reviewing each member of this group in future posts).

What does she do?

Emily logged many hours this NHL postseason traveling from city to city covering a variety of series as teams went toe-to-toe in a heated competition for the Stanley Cup. During the regular season her job is somewhat the same, she travels across the U.S. and Canada reporting on some of the most important stories across the hockey world ranging from expansion plans in Seattle to the Humboldt Broncos bush crash in early April.

Why she’s great

While Emily likes to have fun with her job, she is more, well, tame than her fearlessly-loquacious colleague Greg. She is informed and in touch with the hockey world and her ability to bring stories to life through her writing certainly qualifies her as a must-read reporter.


You won’t get raunchy humor from Emily, but you will get top-notch journalism as she reports on the hottest stories across the sport, bringing her readers informative content that might even tug on the heartstrings from time to time.

Where to find her

Follow Emily on twitter (@emilymkaplan) or find her doing her thing at ESPN’s hockey section. She has a podcast with Greg at the site that I plan on reviewing in an upcoming post. I also strongly recommend checking out my article on Greg that I linked to above as a way of learning more about the duo.

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