Podcast Review – The Natural Hat Trick
Podcast Reviews

Podcast Review – The Natural Hat Trick

At first glance, The Natural Hat Trick podcast is unassuming. With a relatively low following and a logo that looks like its from the early 2000s, there isn’t much that draws you in immediately. Despite this, I found myself captivated by the show from the get-go.

The podcast is funny, yet informative. With the occasional jab at some of the leagues most disappointing teams, the cast has found a way to poke fun without going too far, keeping the show tasteful but with an element of comedy.

The Natural Hat Trick – Meet the Hosts

Craig Morgan worked at Arizona Sports up until this past Monday when he announced via twitter that he would be leaving the company. Morgan teased that he will be revealing more details on his next place of employment soon so stay tuned for that (UPDATE: Morgan’s current role is as a Senior Writer at The Athletic: Arizona). Luke Lapinski is a radio host for the Arizona Coyotes and and also hosts a show on Arizona Sports along with other ventures covering the Arizona Cardinals. The third member of the team, Jaime Eisner, hosts a football podcast along with his work on The Natural Hat Trick.

Coverage Across the League

While the show specializes in all things Arizona Coyotes, topics on the show often cover a wide variety of stories around the NHL. In a summer segment, the show is touching on each NHL team division by division in anticipation of the 2018-19 season.

It may expand the show’s viewership to discuss a variety of NHL clubs, however it is often harder to create knowledgeable conversation incorporating every team due to a massive wealth of at least basic knowledge required to give substance to these conversations. As someone who also runs a podcast of similar style that covers all 31 teams with a concentration on the local franchise (in our case the Boston Bruins) I can say that Morgan, Lapinski and Eisner manage to pull it off in entertaining and informative fashion (even if I think the Bruins are going to be better this year than they’ll let you believe).


A Diamond in the Rough

I’d like to think I have found a hidden gem of sorts with The Natural Hat Trick podcast. The show has yet to grow to massive popularity but nothing about this podcast makes me doubt that it will see success in the near future. Many of the podcasts I have come across recently are highly informative, yet lack the light comedic touch that makes them a pleasure to tune into episode after episode.

The Natural Hat Trick podcast educates listeners with informed opinions while also producing a product worth listening to. The show also plays host to a variety of knowledgeable guests around the league, including most recently Toronto Maple Leafs writer Scott Wheeler and Pittsburgh Penguins beat writer Josh Yohe.

This podcast checks off nearly all the boxes on the list of attributes a strong podcast should have. If you are a fan of the Coyotes, or if you are just trying to learn more about the NHL in general, give The Natural Hat Trick a listen, particularly if you are looking for a show with a touch of humor (Buffalo Sabres fans beware).

You can find The Natural Hat Trick on twitter @TheNattieHattie. You can find the cast on twitter as well – Craig Morgan @CraigsMorgan Luke Lapinski @LukeLapinski and Jaime Eisner @JaimeEisner.

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