Trusted Journalist Review – Kent Wilson
Trusted Journalists

Trusted Journalist Review – Kent Wilson

One of the first things I look for when assessing strong journalists is their ability to translate large quantities of knowledge into a product the average reader can comprehend. As is the case with many of The Athletic‘s writers, Kent Wilson does just that. Wilson covers the Calgary Flames for the fast-growing sports site, and with a read through his articles, it is clear he isn’t afraid of digging into the numbers.

Kent Wilson – Managing the Numbers

Monday, Wilson released a lengthy article previewing Flames prospects and depth players in anticipation of NHL training camp ramping up as we transition into September.

Flames die-hards are likely to recognize at least some of the names in the article if a player was a high draft selection or has participated in a previous development/training camps or maybe even played a few games with the big club. However, as goes for any organization, these names hardly mean anything to fans who focus only on the NHL squad. It is the job of a diligent journalist to flesh out what makes each player unique, and potentially even project where that player is expected to be found during the coming season.

Now, a lot of this work is only speculation, yet looking at junior numbers does allow for some projection to take place.

The tough part is putting extensive stats on a long list of players into an article that makes sense and is easy to follow. A writer can’t assume that the fans reading their work are even as close to as informed as they are (don’t get me wrong there are fans out there that really know there stuff). Therefore, explaining numbers thoroughly, without jumping all over the place is important.


One of the biggest issues I see with podcasting is that 1) it is hard to incorporate numbers effectively and 2) it is easy for even the most composed hosts to loose a train of thought and confuse listeners. This can happen in writing as well if the writer isn’t careful.

Wilson uses lists and graphics to explain player stats and keep his writing organized and informative. It is clear that he puts great time and research into his craft, which in the end, produces a quality product.

A Poetic Touch

Sports writing can be redundant from time to time, and I laud those who attempt to spice things up once in a while. Depicting the Flames 2017-18 campaign as “an inexorable vortex of ineptitude” is just the kind of art that keeps a reader engaged, while also driving home a point. Now I’m not saying that everyone should jump off the deep end and start writing the most outlandish nonsense out there, but if you can invigorate your writing with a jolt of originality, that is points in my book.

Wrapping Up

Kent Wilson, by my estimation, is a writer all Calgary Flames fans should check out. I learned a ton from reading his stuff and I consider myself pretty well-read in the hockey world. Now I’m no Flames buff but I’m sure everyone who reads his articles will glean at least some information from them, and won’t feel like they are being attacked with opinions by a Calgary fan-boy.

Again, it is The Athletic, so yes, that means a pay wall. They should probably start giving me my own promo codes at this point considering how many of their writers I have already reviewed. Yet it speaks for itself, I have reviewed that many for a reason. The hockey coverage at The Athletic (I can’t speak to any other sports) is high quality and if you aren’t a subscriber then you should get on board. They are running student discounts all the time and if you are out of school, chances are that if you contact your favorite journalist they can probably help you out with a discount of some sort, I am constantly seeing different people offering deals all over the place.


You can read up on all of Kent Wilson’s stuff on The Athletic here and you can follow him on twitter @Kent_Wilson.

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